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As an aside to the musical works realised by Church of the Cosmic Skull, I have decided to release some other material under my own name, via this new website,

Rest assured that the Church has never been stronger, and will continue to spread the light of the Cosmic Rainbow with full and unstoppable force, with new songs and other tantalisations soon to follow.

The works to be sent forth from this new platform will be myriad and multiform, varied in genre but of high standard and rich with heart.

The first took the form of a full studio album, ‘Mass Hypnosis and the Dark Triad’ – an exploration into heavier realms but still very much melody driven; prog with elements of proto-metal and stoner rock.

The second, ‘Hallucinations of a Higher Truth’, is in stark contrast, with all tracks performed in a ‘piano trio’ format, with three vocal harmony lines throughout.

The third is out May 10th 2024…

Deeper background information can be found by joining the Billuminati below!

Yours in peace and harmony,



I really appreciate hearing your feedback, thoughts and questions, contact me here and I will try to get back to you personally: